Most Creative Wonders of All
Ill prepared and
dazed was my mind set; confused:
Genuine nonplus;
short of intelligence deficiency:
That she man cleverly
condemned to Mann the pans and pots
Her gender God
bequeathed the world’s most creative wonders
It was my witness to dawn;
to glorious regeneration
The credence, caught
the flow of my blood frozen
My Chi left stumped
in extreme stutter:
A beholding, marvel
and an infinite sense of awe
This feelings still,
to which I have no name
That scene and sensation
of no analysis
Took complete
possession of my soul
No experiences of
bygone had still explained
Or all engine search
of knowledge not turned futile to clarify
To which therefore my
submission; that
Conception and birth
remains wisdom
Unexplained: A secret
solemnity of a true genie.