This prayer is that you may never be or seek perfection, To the me that is now and the me that will be in the new year, May this poem remind you to pause and breathe deeply, To take charge of the chaos within and find your calm. May you strive not for perfection, but to be the best version of yourself, May your kind and generous wishes come true, Not just for yourself, but for everyone around you. With each door that opens, may you remain humble and grounded. May you never be perfect, but always strive to be your best, May life’s challenges never cause you to stumble, May the strength of your spirit never grow weary. May you sleep deeply and peacefully each night, Guided by the moon at night and energized by the sun each day. May you look back on this year with fond memories, And live in the new year’s presence with empathy and grace. May each step you take in the new year be built on the foundation of the last, As ...