
Showing posts with the label Poem


When you ask her to call or text when she’s home safe,   I ask you to pause a tad bit to let the weight of that request unravel.   For this is a she, who has walked alone through the years,   who has carved her path through storms and silence,   Who does not need your vigilance to prove her place or ability to take care of herself  She is no fragile helpless thing, not a damsel in distress.   Her independence is not a void for you to fill,   But a testament to the life over the years she has built A life where she learned to stand tall,   To navigate the world with her compass.   Yet here you are, offering care wrapped in assumption,   As if her safety were yours to oversee.   Ask yourself: how many nights and streets as she walk alone,   Unshielded, unafraid, before you came into her life?   How many thoroughfares has she conquered,   Her resolve unbrok...


Dear Val, when I say "I love you" on the 14th, Those words will rise from the depths of my soul. As my heart insists on reinforcing them in yours, Unwavering, unending, boundless. Know too, the cast may happen in a special way To freeze the words, imprinting them in a magical moment, pure, It is so so that you know, my "I love you," stays locked in your heart To linger, eternally and stay frozen in time When then the day marked so gloriously fades to silence, I’ll ask that you put back the batteries to restart the clock To let the regular love life take over as it ought,  While the 14th remains, a memorial, a lyrical song in your heart. For I am certain, in the days of the 15th and beyond, when that tune is replayed, When memories whisper it through time’s embrace, They will bring warmth, a gentle smile to your face, For in love, such magical moments committed to memory never truly fade.


Oh, those sweet thoughts of you, they come again,   Invading my mind like a gentle, whirling wind.   They carry me to places where memories bloom,   To where I meet the light to dispel my gloom.   In the ebb and flow of life’s relentless tide,   You’ve been my anchor and a constant supportive guide.   Thanks for agreeing that love isn’t measured in time,   But in moments that make the ordinary sublime.   When I asked if distance could weaken our bond,   You laughed and said, “No, our hearts are beyond space," you said.”   When I worried if you’d ever need more,   You assured me, “I’m strong, but you’re my core.”   Your words are a balm, your love a steady flame,   A beacon of hope helping a lost lover in life’s game.   You’ve shown that even in the darkest nights,   You can make available your love lamp to lead me to light. ...


Eva Ebube Okafor is what she is named,   But that is the least of her angelic qualities.   In her, you truly will find an eternal muse,   Hers is love so profound, it transforms every vibe.   She is nice, kind, and beautiful, as each letter in her name represents,   In each letter, a symphony of grace and loveliness.   E - is for her elegance, a vision so rare,    V - is for her vitality, a spark so divine,   A - is for her allure, a charm so complete,   E - again for her empathy, a heart so pure,   B - is for her brilliance, a mind so bright,   U - is for her uniqueness, one-of-a-kind,   B - again for her bravery, a survivor E - once more for her essence, her soul so free,   O - is for her optimism, hope she is working hard at K - is for her kindness, a heart warm and pure A - is for her affectionate heart; tender yet tough F - is for her faithfulness, stead...


In truth, the path to your growth is clear and bright,   Moving forward resides in you, in your might.   No outsider, affirmations, books, or spiritual creeds,   Can truly resolve challenges to meet all your needs. Ultimately, the power lies in your own hands,   To shape your life, to make your plans.   What sacrifices are required, the needed mindset shifts,   All will be set in motion when your courage lifts. If in your path peace and growth eludes your way,   Then to ask that you chat a new course needs no sway.   As the journey is yours, so too is the choice as true,   For the key to the required changes is within you.


Is your love, like an ancient tree, that stands tall,  Its roots deep-set, enduring through it all With patience like the river’s gentle flow,  Yet, like diamond overflowing with a delightful glow? Is your love, like mountain strong, yet soft as rain,  Love that sees with a heart that feels others' pain Such love, a pure gift, like sunlight’s warm embrace, Not love selfish, but for all others' grace? Such love that expects nothing, like the silent stars, Love like divine flame, guiding from afar.  Beyond the grasp of mere comprehension,  Love so vast, it defies convention. Love that is present in every act, like petals in breeze, Such love revelling in power with ease.  A beacon bright, like moonlight in the night, Guiding all through life’s intricate flight.

Inspired By Thoughts On A Sick Bed:

In all affairs, take time to play,  Let joy and laughter light your way.  For freedom, health, and grace we find,  Are treasures often taken for granted. Be grateful for each breath you take,  For every dawn, for each mistake.  When accidents and age are far,  Embrace the moments as they are. Do not let others dim your light,  With tales of fear or endless nights.  Life’s precious gift, you live but once,  So dance and sing, in 2025, and take your chance. Mistakes will come, they’re part of life,  They teach us through both joy and strife.  For freedom’s price is paid in full,  By living bold, by being whole. So cherish every fleeting day,  And let no sorrow lead astray.  For in this life, so brief and grand,  The key to joy is in your hand.


As the year 2024 draws to a close,  I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey we’ve shared.  These past few days, as you nurse me back to full recovery, Have given me the time to truly appreciate the depth of you being irreplaceable. To the realization that the key to our 24 years of enduring love lies in the treasure you are.  In the realisation that when you have someone as wonderful as you, there’s no need to search further.  Realising the allure of greener pastures is merely an illusion, a pale imitation of the richness you possess. Gratitude: I am grateful for the divine gift that you are. Grateful knowing love isn’t about perfection; but about choosing each other, day after day.  About standing by one another through thick and thin, even when times are tough and the temptation to give up is strong. True love isn’t always smooth and sweet.  It’s messy and challenging, but also about two people refusing to quit.  About weathering the storm...


2024, a year of trials, not to mend,  But to strip illusions, to comprehend.  Life’s not easy, it’s clear to see,  It woke us up, demanded we be free. Will 2025 be the year we mend?  Are we ready, lessons learned to the end?  Will we stay dreaming, hoping in vain,  Or awake and doing, embracing the pain? The clock never pauses, it ticks away,  After midnight tomorrow, another day.  Despite our choices, time marches on,  In the dawn of 2025, we must be strong.


This prayer is that you may never be or seek perfection,  To the me that is now and the me that will be in the new year,  May this poem remind you to pause and breathe deeply,  To take charge of the chaos within and find your calm. May you strive not for perfection, but to be the best version of yourself,  May your kind and generous wishes come true,  Not just for yourself, but for everyone around you.  With each door that opens, may you remain humble and grounded. May you never be perfect, but always strive to be your best, May life’s challenges never cause you to stumble,  May the strength of your spirit never grow weary.  May you sleep deeply and peacefully each night,  Guided by the moon at night and energized by the sun each day. May you look back on this year with fond memories,  And live in the new year’s presence with empathy and grace.  May each step you take in the new year be built on the foundation of the last,  As ...


You really cannot dictate to the heart who to love, love that endures, that is unconditional and kind Love that sings a melody, that only a heart hears,  Is not a relationship to be condensed  in how long but how well.  Love transcends society’s narrow view,  It’s not about status or what one can do.  It’s the essence of another you needed to fulfill you,  A connection so deep, it leaves no room for doubt., Others may not grasp the depth of what you see,  Yet what you appreciate is the heart’s true seed.  Meeting the soil that complements them so well,  A place where plant would flourish safely. True Love is where one heart ignite another's inner light,  Where mere touch makes everything feel right.  Where memories of times spent bring endless smiles,  And each other's presence makes life worthwhile. Love isn’t always a perfect fit,  It’s not a conquest, but heartfelt hit.  It’s often about a heart able to sing specia...


Someone, somewhere, still tells the jokes they learned from you. Someone still uses the words and phrases you once did. Some still listen to the music you used to play. Some still smile when memories of time with you flash by. Someone is still encouraged by the advice you give. Some admire you and feel inspired from afar. Some have learned to love because of you. Many go through life, perhaps unaware of how much of you they carry, But it’s always there in how they handle things differently, In the small choices they make or how they see the world. You might just be a memory on the surface, But underneath, there is much more than meets the eye, Shaping lives in ways that deeply matter. And while they may not know or say it, The grace of the mark that lasts is what truly matters.


Let go of numbers that no longer are relevant to you,  Same as discarding what you no longer wear or use.  Or releasing what doesn’t fit or hold relevance, and lastly, Forgive those who have wronged you, to set yourself free. We clenched hand to crack walls,  But need an open hand to be able to mend the cracks.  The past is stubborn, will stay unchanging despite regrets, Healing begins when you work with the tide, not struggling against it. Life may be tough, but its rewards are sweet, Challenges may try to break you, but only succeeds When you do not celebrate the strength that keeps you standing,  Embrace the smiles that fortune brings your way. Some hang on to the last drop of hope,  For others, each day is an unfettered joy.  Tell those you love how you feel while they can hear,  For death gives no notice of its arrival. Time is a gift we all share, but living is unique,  Be kind to yourself, and live as best as you can.  We may not ...


When man and nature dance at dawn, where life finds relief, A silent magical agreement is struck beyond belief. Where one breathes out life, the other breathes it in, All to bring about a cycle where all life begins. As our exhalation, is their sweet inhale, We both generate stories told in gales. Carbon dioxide, our gift to the trees, As oxygen is returned, in every breeze. Roots deep in earth, branches to sky, A bond unseen by the naked eye. Inhale, exhale, a rhythmic song, Together in this dance, we belong. Leaves whisper secrets, ancient and wise, Under the canopy, life’s truths arise. From seed to sprout, from bud to bloom, To green embrace, on our tables in sitting rooms. Photosynthesis, a wondrous feat, Turning sunlight into life’s heartbeat. We give, they take, creating a perfect blend, Cycle, where there should be no end. Where every  breath is a breath of life, Netting joy and sorrow, peace and strife. For in each knitting, a promise lies, Of life renewed, beneath the ski...


What I cherish about faith and beliefs Is the boundless road they lead.  The true magic of faith lies in that mystery; The uncertainty of dreams coming true.  Not know where the path leads,  Or if it will lead anywhere at all.  Yet, you step forward, holding onto faith,  Even on the toughest, most harrowing days. Sometimes, your beliefs may waver,  And you feel like giving up. At other times, a ray of light breaks through.  But faith keeps you steady amidst uncertainties, Assuring you that what is meant for you will find you. That you are exactly where you need to be in this moment. The real magic shines when dark days try to break you, But you keep moving forward, believing.  Your heart beats with the mantra:  Nothing is impossible if only you have faith.  Believing you have a diviner in the equation,  That with your courage, commitment to, And in fidelity in a divinity of endless possibilities,  As well as in your refusal to ...


Because no one told you That anything is impossible, You rise up every day dawn, Embracing new challenges, With a heart full of courage, And a mind set on victory. You go for it, just do it, With the fire of determination, Breaking barriers, Shattering doubts, Going as if you know the secret, That, dreams are made real by action. Best though to go for it as knowing nothing, With the innocence of a babe, Unburdened by fear or preconception,   Believing that in the purity of your quest, Lies the power to achieve, To transform, to inspire. More can be accomplished, With such deep thoughts, With a spirit unyielding, And a vision unclouded, For this is the best attitude, In today’s ever-changing society. So, rise and shine, With an unstoppable spirit, For the world awaits, Your unique brilliance, And the wonders you’ll create, Because no one told you, That anything is impossible.


In the pages of life’s journey, strains and pain will find its place, The pace of progress, remaining an uncomfortable phase. Keep reading through the writing, to turn heaviness lighter, But in the process, don’t pretend everything’s alright. For some, sadness feels better than feeling good, So sometimes, let those feelings stay as they should. Let them stay while you share a smile with a friend, A friend who’d welcome you, no rent to spend. The ones who can feel the loneliness in your tone, Such friends thar are angelic, heavenly sent, to see you not alone. How often we neglect the down days we face, Spinning them with smiles, filling them with busy pace. If only we spoke awhile, we’d see humans are wild, Feelings like seasons, changing with time, reconciled. So, learn to love your journey, every sad page too, For as we weave through life, they make you, the you.


In life’s relational journey, this I’ve found so true and clear,  A lesson learned from those I hold so dear.  In all relationships, it’s more about you,  Than placing blame on what others do. When a flashlight dims, what do you say?  You don’t discard it, just change the way.  As replacing the batteries, bring back the light,  To have it once again, shine so bright. When friends falter, what do we often do?  It’s easy to cast them aside, send them to the dark.  But should this be our chosen path?  My take is no, instead let's help them, dispel the wrath. Like a torch that guides us through the night,  Friends may need our help to shine their light.  Some need double A batteries; attention and affection,  Others may need triple A: affection, attention and acceptance. Some othets simply need C: a touch of compassion, While others may need D: direction with passion. Whatever the battery, if they still don’t glow,  Stay compa...


Most people do not grow up but old though, We all must inevitably age Getting to that age where we may start to be frail, wrinkled, sag, grey, When we sometimes grow so old that we forget where things are kept, etc To grow up is different and requires some sacrifices: Growing up is synonymous  with taking responsibility, matured  Not indulging in childish ventures without thinking it through Knowing that actions and reactions have consequences So, for the many embarking on this journey of growing,  Which is it in your case and where will you place you? Are you simply growing older or growing up? Have you replaced the garment of childishness or is it reinventied? The choice  is always yours to make As no such journey is a shared responsibility


In transient halls of travel ports and motor parks  I have witnessed more sincere hugs and kisses Compared to the grandest of wedding ceremonues.  For with the uncertainties that come with departures, love is distilled to its purest form, Same way, at burial sites, where silence sways,  Prayers feels more heartfelt than in any halo ground or cathedral.  For oftentimes, in the presence of a loss,  Faith finds whispers of hope amidst echoes of grief. When the last breath is feared and death’s shadow looms  Words become become as precious as good;  Each sentiment measured and treasured.  Each goodbye a testament, an enduring flame.  For in the face of finality, with no stakes or intentions, We speak with the clarity and sincerity of our souls.