Dear All.
I pray that this letter meets you all in good health and, if not, brings you miracle of turn around in fortunes and abundant blessings.
Any given day, there is bound to be something taking off/starting in the world. This could be birth, death, openings, launch, celebrations, write a letter, poem, short story, publish book, etc. Such happenings could be news worthy, not at all or perhaps, at the beginning not seemed or seen as significant at the time of occurrence but would or may turn out to be; become milestone, historical, etc that would influence numbers of people for good.
Such is the uncertainty and beauty of 'beginnings.' And, the main reason I believe that, to take a plunge, start something or make your dream a reality is so exhilarating and worthy was what I experienced in the past and witnessing in a friend of mine who is fifty, has spent half of those years in successful business and has started a university degree course he thought was beyond him. Since starting, he has turned a changed man; renewed, re energized, reborn and has inspired me to write and to want to share this.
You see, when you open a business, give birth, publish a book, go back to school, at whatever age, etc, you may perhaps have started or starting a journey that may last and, or grow beyond you to cement such step, years on, becoming of major significance. Never knowing for sure but seeing that there is that possibility is to me, what makes it so worthy a try.
The reality is, only a few people of the billions of human beings have taken the plunge of starting something. The majority others dream and wish endlessly of possibilities often with the dreams forever deferred or dead in still birth. Some of the excuses people give to kill or shackle such dreams include; having to wait until there is enough money, waiting for the right age/person/proper time, wait to first give birth/finish giving birth, until the start of a new year, until retirement, until the kids have started/finished/entered school or grown, etc, etc. The excuses are inexhaustible and the depth of evasive techniques to do nothing, bottomless. Those who however did started then boomed or stuttered to failure quickly wrap themselves in the protective custody of caution and immortal fear of 'never again, dare!'
Truth is, it is the mind that is the battle ground for the will to be had, over come, believe, be cowed or fail. That you start or not, go on to succeed or fail is in the mind. Will it right and you'd do right. Skew it by any means or ways and you're screwed. The start is most important but the series of steps-series of unfolding subsequent inputs in sweats, denials and toils, taken after that start is what moves or mares that 'start' to or of, significance. And, the engine to taking and sustaining such step is the mind.
That is why I write to say, please whatever that dream; buy a bike, build a house, a plane, train, run the marathon, start exercise, travel, start business, marry, turn a Christian, Muslim, whatever it is, putting it off or killing it is denying the world of what possible significant or not, mark you would have made being born and having passed through this planet, earth. Will the mind right, whatever direction it was or has been and you'll do right; start now to thinking right-the mind is always willing.
If you've taken the trouble to read this far, I say thank you. But next, that 'step' is much more important; do, no longer let your dream and wishes stay deferred, don't let it die in stillbirth. Take the first step to make it a reality-the 'reality' that is, that most epoch-making events of today started in falters but strength and will power of the mind moved them several gears to make them today significant. Start today, take that first step and let the mind will fate to lead you on.
Thank you.
Always, Segun.


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