
Like stuck in the mud they consigned us to standstill traffic, hours unend
Not bothered that we scratch and scrap daily, faithful feed for ever hungry family
Here the frustration of who really is sane in this insane universe
Got me reminiscing

What good is this sanity as has it defined to me?
Where I have invested in sweat and toils decades and score of lifetime
When I only can live of equal to neighbours in dreg and misery
To social strata bottled in wild wilderness of squalid state of being

Daily we lined same route, like now squeezed and stranded in a frightful frypan-like vehicle
Same faces I see daily to soon regenerating lines of offspring as we soon may pass on in misery
Inches from us as we waited with impunity our passages is condoned for very important personality
Line we must not cross drawn by men and women, puns of our stock dressed behind guns, shields, and tanks
Who left their families at twilights to wait in guard for hours while one in question folicks and fondles family
Men and women manned by superiors who mapped streets and neighbourhood to point the arms
To kill, possibly, their families-fathers, mother's, wives, husbands, brothers, sisters, children who defy the line

Beyond the divided line between caged and prison warders was a third party, a lone ranger
Tartered, unkept who feasted on our misery, a Bonnie, like child watching clowns at a circus
I imagined what planet the loner was, perhaps a good place to rest from the groping of this one
A place possibly of utopia transcendental where one can sail transitionally
A lodge it seems could offer loophole of perfect route to insane escape to dream land
Where happiness has no chance of collision with partiality, exploitation or tyrany
A planet of freedom, not of clinging, like here, where though clinically dead, we hold on to hassling life support
An escape from this world where the measure of status are defined by who owns the best oppressive means
Where superiority is the ability to carelessly and murderous be able to weave through crowd in singing motorcade
By them who sit or partner those sitting on the thrown and rule by iron fist padded in democratic counterfeit gloves

Please don't come looking for me if you hear I have taken a trip to this other planet
To find insanity, some perfect imperfection, the ideal kingdom
A universe not of ours, not of this animalistic wilderness of thugs and thorns
Don't go sending your doctor's, psychologists, spiritual witches and wizards who would restrain and put me in chains
Let me be in my happiness, like this Bonnie in a world unconcerned, no cravings, senseless - of unaffected bliss


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