

Manners, in the act and arts of man is where character and grace converge,  Where lies the art of manners, profound and true, A beacon that guides us, me, you and us all. For manners, they say, maketh a man,  A mirror reflecting our soul’s grand plan.  Reflective in every gesture, every word we choose,  Our essence shines through, leaving no excuse. When we lend a hand to lift another,  Or listen with empathy, like one who cares,  We weave threads of respect, nice and kind,  Crafting connections that withstand life’s duress. Simple acts, like a warm greeting shared,  Or a heartfelt smile freely declared,  Ripple through time, leaving traces unseen,  Planting seeds of kindness where love has been. So let us practice such social graces,  Creating a haven in our shared spaces,  For manners are more than mere etiquette,  They’re the foundation of trust, the bonds we knit. And as we navigate the maze of life’s intricate dance,  Remember, dear all, that in every circumstance,  That manners,


In the heart of the world's vibrant embrace is Africa and Nigeria,  Where emotions dance and stories interlace,  Lies a trait both subtle and profound,  It is, modesty—a gem that generational silently resounds. Humility, its first gentle hue, A cloak worn lightly, yet steadfast and true.  Without boastful echoes, no need for validation,  Just quiet confidence—a serene forbearance. Self-awareness, the mirror’s gentle gaze,  Reflecting authenticity in myriad ways.  A modest soul knows their own skin well,  No need to embellish, no need to swell. Confidence, not in grandiose display,  But in quiet whispers, it finds its way.  Strength resides in the unspoken grace,  A blend of humility, leaving hearts in chase. Trust, like roots anchored deep and strong,  Springs forth from modesty, where it belongs.  Reliability blooms, petals unfurl,  For those who wear modesty—dress in precious pearl. Sincerity, the final stroke of the brush,  Adds depth to character, a quiet hush.  In that shade o


Mighty, silent, yet profound when it arrives and leaves. Not just in gifts wrapped with ribbons and bows,  But in the tender kindness that the soul bestows. Beyond mere tokens, it travels on wings of breeze,  Embracing empathy, whispering with ease.  For when we give freely, without expectation’s weight, We build bridges of trust, where love resonate. In small acts, dewdrops on morning grass,  Tokens turns grand gestures, like constellations that amass,  Generosity blooms—like fragrant, a timeless art, Binding hearts together than stitch them apart. It’s not entitlement that fuels this sacred fire,  But a selfless flame that burns higher and higher.  And as we embody this spirit, day by day,  We pave the path to connections that forever stay. So let kindness flow, like a river’s gentle stream,  And watch as bonds deepen, like a cherished dream. Where generosity is the compass guiding our way,  We create love’s symphony, where hearts forever sway.


In veil. as time whiles, where years weave their threads,  Lies a secret, whispered softly by the wind::  To be young at heart, ageless in spirit, Is dancing with life,  Unburdened by where wind blows the sand Not like in the reckless abandon of youth,  But in the quiet courage of spontaneity,  Is the chamber to find the elixir that keeps life aflame,  Where to find the zest that defies the pages in calendars. Each dawn, a canvas for wonder, Each dusk, pregnant with invitation to explore,  With eyes wide open, hearts eager,  We chase sunsets and stardust, unrestrained. Playfully whispering exchanges, like hidden treasures,  Thoughtful gestures, like petals on a breeze,  And in the spaces between laughter and stories,  We etch memories that time cannot erase. Weekend getaways become spontaneous adventures, New hobbies bloom like wildflowers,  And in the simple act of renewed love for life,  We discover the magic of forever. Therefore, to this youthful mindset we must turn,  Infusing our


As should be in reserved chambers of our heart, Where character and grace intersect, Is dignity standing tall, unwavering as true, A beacon for all, a virtue wall ought to pursue. It begins with knowing our own worth, A compass guiding us through life's dearth. To value our essence, our core beliefs, And set boundaries firm, like ancient cliffs. In adversity's tempest, dignity prevails, A poised response when the world assails. With elegance and strength, we navigate, Our sails unfurled, our spirit innate. Dignity knows no age, nor fleeting times, It blooms in hearts seasoned by joys and tears. Emotional maturity, a timeless art, A symphony played on the strings of the heart. Like mortar binding stones in a grand design, Dignity cements bonds, transcending time. In its embrace, we find our best selves, A bridge to connecting, our authenticity personality.


In a room, you step, is a silent stare,  Not just to your looks, but an aura on high.  Cologne, a potent tool, whispers allure,  Before words escape, it sets the score. An opening act, your scent takes the stage, and Sophistication and confidence engage.  Hints of mystery, sensuality’s plea,  Enticing all with its alluring spree. Chosen with care, a scent is an extension of self,  Defines your essence, a fragrant wealth.  Lingering trails awaken desire anew,  Cologne, oh cologne, it’s all about you.


In life’s grand playhouse, where hearts and minds intertwine, A gift awaits those with a sparkling design.  It’s not wealth or beauty, nor titles or fame,  But often a simple trait that sets souls aflame. A good sense of humour is like a beacon of light, that Draws people close, day and night.  It’s the magnetic force that bridges the gap,  Creating bonds that only cackles can unwrap. Picture a first date, nerves on display,  Two hearts uncertain, what words to convey.  A witty remark, a shared chuckle or two,  Will have the ice swiftly cracked, resetting the mood anew. Beyond the surface, where laughter resides,  Lies a deeper connection that silently guides.  For humour revels in wit, intelligence, and grace,  A bridge to hearts, warmth in invitational space. Shared laughter weaves threads of camaraderie, Stitching souls together, forming a tapestry.  In the echo of giggles, understanding blooms, Uniting us all in life’s delightful rooms. And when life throws curveballs, as it often


In the fulness of life, where bodies sway,  Beyond mere form, a deeper truth holds sway.  Fitness transcends the mirror’s gaze,  It’s how you carry yourself through life’s maze. Discipline, a silent partner by your side,  Whispers, “Rise early, greet the dawn with pride.”  Dedication, a flame that never wanes,  Ignites your spirit and fuels your inner flames. Self-care, a gentle art, like morning dew,  Nourishes roots unseen, and makes hearts renew.  People gravitate to those who tend their flame,  For well-being radiates, and they’re never the same. Responsibility, commitment, and keen awareness are the jewels that adorn your fitness.  Not just muscles flexed or miles run,  But the grace with which you rise with the sun. Confidence blooms, petals unfurl,  As you lift weights of doubt, let courage swirl. Self-esteem, a beacon in the darkest night,  Guides you toward the stars, igniting your light. Vitality pulses through each sinew and bone,  Energy unchained, a symphony of its own.  A


Embrace your essence, and know your worth, For within you lies the magic to light up the earth. Stay irresistible, in every situation, As confidence and leadership form your winning foundation. Why settle for what’s given? Why not aspire for more? Why not raise your standards, reaching for a higher score? Beyond the world’s limits, beyond what you can see, Lies a realm of possibilities waiting for you to explore. Leadership and confidence, like magnets, pull us near, Not arrogance, but strength of character, crystal clear. Stand tall, assured, and stable, with an inner flame, For confidence is the beacon that sets your path aflame. Decisions are made with conviction, situations are faced with grace, and you a leader emerge, leaving an indelible trace. Respect follows, and trust blooms—a powerful blend, In this dance of leadership and confidence, you can ascend.


In life’s vast sea, we set our sacred bounds, External walls, and internal rules we weave, Not diving headlong into passion’s rounds, For self-respect, our hearts and minds believe. On first dates, we withhold intimacy,  A choice that speaks of honour, strength, and grace,  And those who share our values will see,  The worth in boundaries, love’s sacred space. The risk lies in walking away, we know,  Yet learned habits define our unique art,  For in the quiet strength of saying no,  We find our essence and set our course apart. So let us stand firm, steadfast and true, Boundaries carved in love, for me and you.


Unpredictability: Be the unexpected breeze that stirs the leaves, The enigma that lures, the mystery that weaves. For predictability dulls love’s vibrant hue, Embrace spontaneity—let your spirit always be renewed. Attentive Listening: In whispered conversations, hearts find their voice, Listening becomes an art—a powerful choice. Lean in, absorb their words, decode their soul, For intimacy blooms where attentive ears enrol. Respect’s Delicate Balance: Respect, a noble virtue, weaves its golden thread, Yet excess bows low, like a fragile reed. Be authentic—stand tall, not a doormat’s plight, Reciprocity blooms when respect feels right. Humour’s Lightness: Jokes shared like secret treasures, Laughter echoing through life’s vast measures. Play, tease, and dance—without crossing lines, For humour bridges gaps, where connection shines. Dressing the Part: Invest in your canvas—the vessel you present, Not opulence, but care—a style well-spent. Hygiene, attire, and self-love entwine, Enhancing

The Authentic You Frame of Mind:

In life’s bustling crowd, we often find, A choice that sets our hearts and minds: To walk away, against the tide, When success and favour seem to collide. Fear whispers, “Stay, don’t let go,” But deep down, a different truth we know: It’s in those steps away, we truly find, The spark that ignites our worth, unconfined. No need for constant nods or approval, Be genuine, let your voice be removed: Speak your mind, stand tall and free, For authenticity is where you’ll be. Disapproval? It’s not something to dread, When beliefs clash, let your truth be spread: Call out what’s wrong, refuse to conform, Your unique essence, a powerful norm. So embrace the courage to walk away, It’s the mindset that colours your day: Your DNA of worth, a beacon so bright, An authentic you, shining through the night. People will notice, invest, and hold dear, The genuine you; a soul they’re lucky to be near.


In life’s grand theatre, where roles are cast, often everyone wears masks. But authenticity lies beyond the facade, Not in fitting what others want, but in being yourself. Being authentic isn’t about alpha or beta, It’s about knowing your value, not just data. Your worth isn’t skin-deep, nor mere pretence, It’s the treasure you bring to love’s immense. Don’t squeeze into boxes, predefined and tight, For beauty, assets, or norms, they aren’t anyone's sole right. Declare your presence boldly, without fear, You’re not an arse to be tossed. Do you believe in your worth, deep within? Or let doubts erode what’s rightfully akin? That fleeting attraction, seemingly small, Can bloom into significance if you heed its call. Strength isn’t just a tough exterior shell, Sometimes it’s a softness that weaves the spell. Let things flow, share pieces of your soul, Don’t hoard love; it’s richer when it’s whole. Beta and alpha are labels and fade like mist at dawn, For everyone stumbles, even the str