

I know some things sometimes would not go your way,  Where confusion may clouds your mind.  And, if you are angry, that’s okay,  But don’t let it consume your heart. Don’t let it define who you are,  For your heart doesn’t deserve a permanent scar.  It shouldn’t hold a place in your mind,  Leave those dark thoughts in the abyss. Let good vibes grow within your soul,  Take a moment, a day, even a month to moan.  But don’t let it take over your Being,  For brighter days are what await you. Work to lift the weight off our chest,  And throw it into the abyss to rest.  Reclaim your joy and light,  Though it may not be here and now. But I know for sure, you will come through,  You got this.


In times of turmoil, chaos, and despair, What keeps us grounded, what turn keeps love going and fair? A wise woman once shared her guiding light, Five ‘Ls’ to cherish, and to hold tight. Life and Love, the first of the two ‘Ls’ she spoke, Without each other, they both would choke. For life without love is empty and cold, A story unfinished, a tale untold. Laughter is next, but it must be pure, For laughter without love is hard to endure. It breaks hearts, it divides, it brings pain, But with love, it heals, it binds, it sustains. Labour follows, the fourth ‘L’ in line, Without love, it’s a burden, a steep climb. But when love fuels your work, it becomes a joy, A purpose, a passion, a life to enjoy. The final ‘L’ is Listening, truly profound, Without love, it’s just noise, an empty sound. But with love, every word, every sigh, Speaks volumes, connects, and never dies. So find your ‘Ls’, let them light your way, Through the darkest night, the brightest day. For these ‘Ls’ make life worth

Moving On

In the quiet corners of my thought, a rhythmic sound softly plays,  Opening the doors to the future stays, a challenge some days. Yet moving on in life, a journey we must embrace, As the past may still cling on to us tightly, to hold us back. To stay in your moving on route, love yourself a little more than you did yesterday, Make yourself a priority, in every possible way. Chase the goals that make you a better you, Be grateful for what you have, and all you can pursue. Let gratitude be the foundation of your dreams, For a brighter tomorrow, where hope always gleams. Celebrate your uniqueness, your amazing personality, You are here, alive, a testament to life’s vitality. Think of those who’d wish to be in your place, To embrace your journey, with courage and grace.


In the quiet corners of my minds, Where light and shadows embrace and curiosity twines, A riddle whispers, veiled in rhyme. Why does this Africa vs the West disparity persist still? Africa, rich in soil and sun, Her veins pulse with wealth and resources of all sorts, Yet her currencies falter, weak and frail, While Western coffers shine, swell and sail. The answer perhaps lies in historical grip, A tale of artfulness, power, greed, and ships, where colonialislism still echoes resounded, As so named aid flows one way, unbound. The West, they say, extends a hand, But is it aid or subtle manipulations? To keep the scales forever tipped, Africa’s destiny tightly gripped. How long, oh continent of pride and so blessed, Must you wait for fate and right tide ride? Will the West ever give in without a fight, Where you wake and natural selection deems it right? Truly, something is amiss, a haunting refrain hangs in the air, As Africa’s riches bleed in vain, her citizens and nature both abused,


In life’s grand design, inevitably, we seek companionship, A partner whether in marriage or dating who can lift us to the stars, Or drag us down into the abyss, Their influence profound, their impact far reaching. For qualities admired, we hold them close, Yet flaws accepted—this is love’s true cue. In partnership, we learn, we ebb, we flow, A dance of imperfections, stitching heart to heart. The smart partner, like Midas’ golden touch, Can turn mere dreams into wealth and growth untold, Their wisdom, like a compass, guiding one another, Together, ascending, futures bold. While with the empty-headed Trappers, beware of their hollow soul, Whose ignorance can lead to demise, They stumble blindly, play a dangerous role, Their presence draining, like a moonless sky. One partner should suffice for the heart with plans, Who cherishes their vessel, mind, and frame, for  we can flirt with beauty? A fleeting glance, Yet character is better—true love’s lasting flame. Treachery in whatever form i


When the mountain looms too high to scale today, Seek not defeat, but find another way. For, there will be hill awaiting your eager stride, A path less steep, where dreams and hopes collide. Should morning bring you sorrow, linger still, Embrace the warmth of bed, a gentle thrill. For heavy days, like burdens, may descend, Yet plans can shift, to be gently mended. No shame in rearranging time’s design, Nor let your worth be diminished by a change benign. Same as when showers sting like needles, and you’re worn, Wear still your proud crown that may be weathered but unsworn. A single day, a fleeting breath in time, Not equal to a lifetime’s grand design. Rest, is not laziness, as there is wisdom in retreat, in having a quiet pause to heal a fractured beat. The world spins on, relentless in its dance, While you recalibrate, realign, enhance. The mountain waits, unyielding, patient, true, For when you’re ready, it will welcome you. Remember this: four fingers, strong and sure, Can shield t


May you find someone who comprehends the language of your heart Eliminating the necessity of being burdened with the constant task of conveying the depths of your emotions  That one who turns out appreciating and values every aspect of your being, your mind, your love and your presence Your Being, unquestionably supremely created,  Your mind; sound, intelligent and unclouded, A love that cherishes you, that is destined to discover you and hold you forever as meant to be Your presence; embraced without pretence Where you find peace in unexpected places and circumstances At the heart where life takes new forms and colours That embraces the chance to encounter love that knows no bounds or  limitations For you and every one of God’s creations deserve nothing less, and My prayer is that you come to realize your inheritance, your inherent worthiness, and  Understand that you can embrace and experience everything and every goodness  May your heart find harmony with your soul destined to be a


Here, in the wild gardens of my mind, I dance, Radically, untamed, free from the chains of the norm, Creating the space where boundaries dissolve, Where imagination is the only law that governs. I paint with the colours of my body’s freedom, Each stroke defies the rules of a world too small, Embracing the power of what I can do, Limited only by the scope of my mind’s reach. I care not for society’s narrow lanes, For I’ve torn down the walls they built around me, Liberated from the fears that once held me tight, Now I soar on the wings of my unchained thoughts. I know the strength in reigning in the storm, Mastery over my desires and whims, Making choices rooted in wisdom’s soil, Unafraid of the consequences I own. No hand can steer the course of my life’s ship, For I am the captain, charting my way, Yet I anchor in the harbour of decency, Guided by the stars of intellect and grace. I know that time is a fleeting gift, A precious jewel


In the quiet chambers of my mind, I forge my shield, A resilient armor woven from threads of understanding. For I have learned that tit4tat, like a bitter fruit, Yields no nourishment, but angel of bitterness. Why carry the weight of wounded pride? When the world spins on, why not stay indifferent to hurt, for the sun would rise to cast its golden light upon both saint and sinner alike. I tread softly, not to avoid the thorns, But to spare the fragile petals of truth. For honesty blooms most freely in unguarded hearts, And authenticity dances in the open spaces. So, I choose to stand unoffended, driven by sentinel of empathy, and guardian of grace. For in this delicate dance of vulnerability, I glimpse the raw beauty of humanity. And though the surface may ripple with negativity, Beneath lies a deeper current—my knowing. To witness another’s truth, unfiltered and unmasked, Is a privilege, a secret shared between souls. So, I let them speak with words untrimmed, And I shall listen, not


When you stand at the precipice of change, it’s like reaching your hand toward a blazing fire.  The heat sears your skin, and doubt creeps in.  Why willingly subject yourself to this trial? Your brain, ever the sceptic, questions your sanity.  But deep down, you know this is your path—the one you must tread. Starting anew is akin to lifting a mental weight and forging resilience within your mind.  Sometimes, that weight feels insurmountable, threatening to paralyze you. Imagine standing on a high diving board, poised to leap into the unknown.  You can swim, yes, but what if you drown? Anxiety grips you, shaking your resolve. Anxiety—undeniably real—plagues countless souls.  It’s not an abstract concept; it’s a tangible force.  My heart aches for those who suffer silently, their cries unheard.  Yet, fear is only half the battle. As you teeter on the edge, your existence is split between doubt and determination,  Remember this: starting is often the hardest part. The bullseye of potentia


Manners, in the act and arts of man is where character and grace converge,  Where lies the art of manners, profound and true, A beacon that guides us, me, you and us all. For manners, they say, maketh a man,  A mirror reflecting our soul’s grand plan.  Reflective in every gesture, every word we choose,  Our essence shines through, leaving no excuse. When we lend a hand to lift another,  Or listen with empathy, like one who cares,  We weave threads of respect, nice and kind,  Crafting connections that withstand life’s duress. Simple acts, like a warm greeting shared,  Or a heartfelt smile freely declared,  Ripple through time, leaving traces unseen,  Planting seeds of kindness where love has been. So let us practice such social graces,  Creating a haven in our shared spaces,  For manners are more than mere etiquette,  They’re the foundation of trust, the bonds we knit. And as we navigate the maze of life’s intricate dance,  Remember, dear all, that in every circumstance,  That manners,


In the heart of the world's vibrant embrace is Africa and Nigeria,  Where emotions dance and stories interlace,  Lies a trait both subtle and profound,  It is, modesty—a gem that generational silently resounds. Humility, its first gentle hue, A cloak worn lightly, yet steadfast and true.  Without boastful echoes, no need for validation,  Just quiet confidence—a serene forbearance. Self-awareness, the mirror’s gentle gaze,  Reflecting authenticity in myriad ways.  A modest soul knows their own skin well,  No need to embellish, no need to swell. Confidence, not in grandiose display,  But in quiet whispers, it finds its way.  Strength resides in the unspoken grace,  A blend of humility, leaving hearts in chase. Trust, like roots anchored deep and strong,  Springs forth from modesty, where it belongs.  Reliability blooms, petals unfurl,  For those who wear modesty—dress in precious pearl. Sincerity, the final stroke of the brush,  Adds depth to character, a quiet hush.  In that shade o


Mighty, silent, yet profound when it arrives and leaves. Not just in gifts wrapped with ribbons and bows,  But in the tender kindness that the soul bestows. Beyond mere tokens, it travels on wings of breeze,  Embracing empathy, whispering with ease.  For when we give freely, without expectation’s weight, We build bridges of trust, where love resonate. In small acts, dewdrops on morning grass,  Tokens turns grand gestures, like constellations that amass,  Generosity blooms—like fragrant, a timeless art, Binding hearts together than stitch them apart. It’s not entitlement that fuels this sacred fire,  But a selfless flame that burns higher and higher.  And as we embody this spirit, day by day,  We pave the path to connections that forever stay. So let kindness flow, like a river’s gentle stream,  And watch as bonds deepen, like a cherished dream. Where generosity is the compass guiding our way,  We create love’s symphony, where hearts forever sway.