Discover Your Talents and Spiritual Gifts

Book:    Discover Your Talents and Spiritual Gifts
               (Non Fiction)

Author: Rev. Pwanangba. D. Jediton
               (The Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria)

All true Christians would value the biblical lessons in Matthew, 25: 20-25: The ineffectual, talentless and stupid servant in Matthew 25:25 and the initiative, ingenuity and resourcefulness of the others in Matthew 25:20-23: Same way that all those who have read 1st Corinthians 12:1-13 would learn valuable lessons about God’s generosity. But valuing these lessons and not being very clear about their applications; particularly being unaware of the delineating line of one and the other, can despite the readers’ good intentions, lead to trials, failure, and frustration or discouragement.
Why such possible disaffection, and to where or whom can we turn for assistance or direction? In ‘Discover Your Talents and Spiritual Gifts,’ Rev. Pwanangba. D. Jediton helped his readers examine ‘talent,’ and ‘gift,’ as God’s bequests. He offers precious ‘How To,’ insights, sensible and handy recommendations, and ways to help all and sundry identify, harness and use God’s innate gifts positively to benefit the Christian communities in particular, but the world in general.
Rev. Pwanangba’s examination tackles issues relating to ‘Talents and Spiritual Gifts,’ ‘How to Discover Your Talents and Gifts,’ ‘Differences Between Talents and Spiritual Gifts,’ ‘How to Develop Your Talents and Spiritual Gifts,’ ‘Abuse of Talents and Spiritual Gifts,’ Dishonest and Harmful use of Talents and Gifts,’ ‘Biblical References and List of Some Spiritual Gifts,’ ‘The Benefits of Spiritual Gifts to the Church,’ etc. Rev. Pwanangba, agrees that non Christian can be, like their Christian counterpart, be equally blessed by God to these generous gifts, but iterated that being ‘born again’ and living by the principles and theological conviction as members of the body of Christ are only guarantee to receiving ‘Spiritual Gifts.’
While I totally agree with the good cleric on all his takes on talents and gifts, and, that psychological dependency, inadequacy, indiscipline and unchristian life are mainly responsible for the lack and inability to discover, develop and utilize these abilities. I could not help but sense that his readers have been sold short. I mean, giving that his idea is to use talent and gift to chart new ground, proactively, part of modernist authorship; teaching new and better ways of life, he should have developed and elucidated the sub titles more, give more examples and make no assumptions about readers’ knowledge of the subject.
However, I am encouraged, over all, by his point of view and genial spirit to help reach the vast majority of others, not in his congregation. To the world, the book would benefit us all, should teach us to see clearly that truly, we all are from birth equipped, equally to succeed and for those fortunate to be reborn, doubly endowed to thrive and use such accomplishments to help others.
The master creator has a purpose for creating you in this planet earth. The date you were born, the time you will live and the time you will die are all for a course. All you need to live and enjoy life is embedded in you by God.
You have no power over when, where and how you were given birth to. You also have no power over when, how and where you will die. However, you have power to determine how you will live a fulfilled life on earth before your final hour will come.
God has given you the potentials to harness for your personal good, the good of others, the community in which you are born, the society in which you live, the nation in which you inhabit and the earth in which you were created to dominate.
God’s gift or talents are for those purposes. If you harness them, they are the resources you have at your disposal and your exclusive right to a better, purposeful and a fulfilled life.


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