Coming Out of wilderness: One Governor Making Good things Happen in His State

Several years ago, after his well thought-out campaign pumped him up into the kind of galvanizing governor Gombe citizens have never had, he has very much led his traditional state of Gombe Emirate, tucked away in the North-East of Nigeria (roughly, the once Tangale-Waja Chiefdom) onto the part of limelight and heavenly bliss, dwarfing every of his contemporaries in that region with his style of governance and management. And, the people, it seems, like fish to water, becoming used to evolutionary forward movements and improved standard of living in all facet of their lives would not want such lifeline discontinued. I am an occasional visitor to the state and have witnessed the man’s excellent statesmanship. My most cherished and private memorable impression of Gombe till date, remains, the last December, 2013, exhibition of charismas lightings; sparkling spectacle so warm and endearing, only Lagos has come close to similar non bias religion display of splendour.
Governor, Ibrahim Hassan Dankwambo (Talban Gombe) was born on the 4th of April 1962 at Gombe. He graduated from Ahmadu Bello University in 1985 with a degree in Accounting. He obtained a Master of Science degree in Economics from the University of Lagos in 1992. He began his career with Coopers & Lybrand in 1985, and worked at the Central Bank of Nigeria from 1988 to 1999. He was then appointed Accountant General of Gombe State, holding this position until 2005. He was appointed Accountant - General of the Federation on 20 April 2005. He held this office until he resigned to start his campaign for election as Governor of Gombe State in January 2011.
That many years of work experience played well with many voters such that in that same year, the people of Gombe spoke, loud and very clear. On the 26th of April, Dankwambo swept his opponents aside by 596,481 votes, trashing two candidates formerly of two parties now part of the All Progressive Congress (APC); Alhaji Abubakar Aliyu of the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) with 91,781 votes and Senator (Dr.) Sa’idu Umar Kumo who was then with the All Nigeria People’s Party (ANPP), with 84,959 votes.
Discerning pundits who have followed his work since becoming governor and noted his level of success say the man has achieved this well because his leadership approach resonates with the people and, because he has been able to address major areas of the people’s needs, particularly issues of inequality, neglects and uneven distribution of wealth. He has managed the state fund well and closed the loopholes that has over the years seen the state’s riches fretted away to enrich other states and countries, and what more, he has given working, non-working families and small businesses supportive reliefs; by expanding child and mother care and mandating prompt payment of all due allowances to all workers as well as encouraging and supporting small scale businesses to thrive.
He's always been one or two steps ahead of his contemporaries on all fronts of progressive issues. He has ran a fantastic, really powerful grass-roots people’s management system that has made his admirers and supporters passionate and motivated in such ways they want to see him remain governor for another term, much stronger than they ever have been seen clamouring for any Gombe son. And some of the major reasons for such fervent wishes and calls are that he connects with his people so well, in very personal ways; empathetic in the ways he talks to them about their lives.
He has succeeded because he came with a roadmap of action; drawing on his experience in government and the private sector: He had started with plans that had goals and pathways committed to leaving no citizen or sector behind. For instance, when elected, he did not rush to constitute his executive council of commissioners and aids, Instead, he constituted sectors based 12 different Committees (initially eleven but later made twelve) with membership drawn from experts and senior citizens of the State. Each committee tasked to review critically, sectors of the state developmental pathways, ascertain the level of the different Ministries’ contributions and performances and produce blue-print for each respective sector and sub-sectors. When the administration got going based on the agreed ‘Committees blueprint’ and, after a year, he re-invited them to come and check the Score Card of each sector, particularly to assess performance and areas of achievements as well as spot gaps for further improvements.

So, the massive support he enjoys and successes so far recorded in the state obviously could not have happened in a vacuum. Gombe citizen are intelligent and articulate enough to know they deserves, like every other citizen in a democracy,  the opportunities and dividends that comes with the and knowing that such dividends only come through responsible government that performs its core functions well. So, I believe, strongly that the people, having languished in the wilderness for so long and now brought back to the path of progress, surely would know to choose wisely in the determination and consideration of their political and economic future?’

Policies have consequences, good policies and management, make good things happen and Governor Dankwambo’s policies on education, security, the state civil service, health, transportation, tourism, investment and private sector partnership, provision and improvement on source of water supply channels and management of the state’s natural resources, speak volumes.

There is no effective economic development without strong educational system, and because strong schoolings are the only proven route to tomorrow’s grounded growth, the state has focused her efforts on producing well-grounded educational system that is enduring. Since coming to the office of the Governor, Dankwambo has focused on various strategies to improve Gombe public education; the most imposing of these being that he made certain that the state placed best hands and most effective teachers in the state public schools, from primary to the university levels, and properly trained and equipped them with the tools they needed to teach. This has greatly improved the students’ learning and academic growth. He also has made it a priority to reward and encourage high-performing schools as ways to promote competition, innovation and creativity while encouraging strong parental involvement. All these have encouraged the growth of these schools throughout the state, especially where they are now being seen as preferred to private schools. He has rebuilt schools to magnificent edifices; as well as establishing fresh academic institution like State Polytechnic (Bajoga); State College of Education (Billiri); College of Business and Administrative Studies (Kumo); Vocational and Technical Institute (Akko); and College of Nursing Studies (Dukku) etc.
As a result, for the past three years, grades and status of Gombe students and graduates have improved terrifically, consistently improving, and catching up on past lost ground with the nation as a whole, and international peers in particular and, surely, if this can be continued, Gombe would lead the pack in the near future, when it comes to overall students results and workplace ‘performance graduates.’

Massive Investment has gone into Strengthening the Healthcare System
Economic development requires a well-managed and continually improving healthcare delivery system that provides quality care at affordable costs. Gombe state has invested well to have pool of world-class healthcare institutions and practitioners who are pioneering improved clinical care in the state. However, the state, as is the country Nigeria, still faces a shortfall in required numbers of healthcare providers as the number of people in need of care continues to rise, more so with the influx of displaced persons from neighbouring sister states. To address this growing demand on the healthcare system, the state has continued to create enabling environment to attract and retain highly qualified healthcare providers to the state and, working with the medical, nursing and technical professionals and institutions, the goals has remained to make the state an ideal place to practice medicine. To this end, he has built and equipped  new hospitals and other health centres, and refurbishing existing ones. This is in addition to establishing a College of Nursing, first of its kind, in the entire Sub-Region.
It is hoped that these remarkable successes would be continued and not truncated and that, the dream of this administration to improve the system so as to elevate the health and wellness of the people to an essential height where the state turns a great health tourist state as well as a state for the indigenes to live healthily, work and play, would be realised.

Expanding Options for more investment and Private Sector participation in the economy
In recent times, meeting the budget implementation has been a challenge in Nigeria, so Gombe State has continued to explore all opportunities to partner with the private sector to make necessary improvements and create enabling environment for investors to come to the state, enabling the private sector in general to thrive. But this has been very challenging due mainly to the region’s negative insecurity image laundering by detractors who have failed to focus on the massive investment on security that has resulted in comparative relative peace and stability and, on the abundant natural and human resources ready and hungry to be tapped.
 It is on record and public knowledge that Governor Dankwambo has successfully made operational, the 4 star Gombe International Hotel which was started by previous administration, almost completed and commissioned but was abandoned due to unpaid liabilities. This has no doubt reduced high class accommodation shortages in the state and helped towards attracting potential investors and other classes of visitors.
Gombe therefore remains the most attractive, secured and largely unexplored business location for public-private partnerships in the whole of North-East region.

Protecting Gombe and promoting Safe Communities
Gombe state has done very well in identifying and implementing innovative strategies and solutions to better carry out the protection of its citizens. On resumption of office, the governor stopped the Yan-kalare Syndrome, hitherto group of political and social miscreants that unleashed terror and havoc on the State, especially as agents of some shadowy politician. He took them through self-respecting and responsible reorientation and skills acquisition programmes, then occupy them in gainful employments. Today, majority of them serve as state Government staff.
The state has continued to support, unreservedly, the state and national law enforcement agencies, reduce frictions between them and the general populace and appropriately dealt with violators of law and order, be it civilians or law enforcement agents.
Healthy community life and economic development are of critical importance to Gombe state and so, there are facilities in place to give law enforcement the necessary logistics they need to be ready to respond to disasters in any part of the state in an efficient and timely manner. All these required common-sense approaches, which the state has done intelligently and efficiently.

The State has continually invested strategically to Improve Transportation.
The key to the Gombe State’s success is in building outcome-driven infrastructure investments and being committed to excellent transportation management. This administration very early on realized that free-flowing transportation was key to growth in today’s world of economic competitiveness and improved transportation network has always been one of the state’s main selling points. The state boasts a strategic location as a gateway state as well as having good roads that enable transporters to move people and goods smoothly and efficiently in, out and through the state.
Certainly, Governor Dankwambo is revolutionary in the provision of road infrastructures; generally he has constructed over 36 link roads fully equipped with road markings, drainages, functional street and traffic lights etc. These include the new western bypass networks and the many roads remodelled into dual carriage ways. Gombe State remains the only State Capital in that part of the country, if not the entire Nigeria, where traffic and street lights stay functional 24/7, uninterrupted from dusk to dawn and, he is working on the establishment of a modern Mega Motor Park which un-arguably would rank amongst the best if not the best in the West African sub-Region. The project is on appreciable level of completion.
Governor Dankwambo has re-enforced the ‘Gombe Line’ with bigger, more comfortable commuter busses, made available new luxury city taxi cabs; and flooded the State with standard and specialized ‘Keke NAPEP’ tricycles. The priority on transportation investment to improve mobility has resulted in the state having one of the best transportation systems in the country. More so, the focus and obsession on improved safety, connectivity and reliability has helped Gombe transportation services continue to be safe commuters’ haven.

It has improved Source of Water and Supply Channel
A state’s economic development requires dependable water supplies. Governor Dankwambo remains committed to promoting and protecting Gombe’s water supply through enhanced maintenance and management methods, as well as developing new storage capacity. Over the past several months, the population of Gombe has swollen and over some years to come, it is projected to grow sky-high. The state must prepare for the expected population growth as well as period of likely droughts that are sure to come. The administration has used the state resources to assist all the local governments in developing and improving sources of water and storage system, all in a bid to prepare them for emergencies and thereby position the state to secure better economic future for the people. There have been several commissioned projects and new on-going ones targeting those parts of the State with most dire water needs like Kwami, Gadam and Bojude etc.

It has Effective Management of the State’s Natural Resources
Economic development depends on the sustainable utilization of the state’s rich natural resources. Gombe, under the governor’s leadership has taken steps in past years to protect the state’s natural, cultural and historic treasures, and has continued to promote stewardship to ensure that Gombe retains its pristine environment for future generations of the indigenes and visiting nature lovers. The state’s agency responsible for the conservation of the state natural resources has been mandated to enhance their ecological and economic value, as they drive up tourism and support jobs around the state.
In obligation of this state of mind, Dankwambo has embarked on the building of a global fashioned ‘International Conference Centre’ complete with attached world class 5 star hotel. This project has reached advance stage of completion.

For the Civil Servants
Governor Dankwambo re-structured and created new ministries to cater for the interests of formerly neglected sectors and sub-sectors. Some of these include; the Metropolitan and Urban Development; Animal Husbandry and Nomadic Matters etc. Office accommodation used to be a major headache prior to this administration taking over, including, even in the Government House. That was then, the story is different today. Yet still, a massive administrative structure meant to house the Office to the Secretary to State Government is near completion. And I have had a peek on plans for a befitting new and grand State Secretariat Complex. On workers’ welfare, motivations and interest, all salaries the workers confessed, have, and are always, always been/being promptly paid with virtually no salary arrears owed to date.

Of course, considering all of the above, conventional wisdom would dictate that the next governorship election of 2015, if he chooses to contest, is the People’s Democratic Party and Governor Dankwambo’s race to lose, because he has on ground going for him heaps of concrete and verifiable completed projects and people oriented developments to point at. Yet, I do not see him resting on his oars. He has the professional background, intelligence and work experience to know it is not a done deal.
But, whether you agree with the above narrative or not, the evidence of his remarkable, marvelous and quiet years of steady growth and development is out there to be verified and the people’s support and appreciation has progressively gained ground and continually gaining favourable foothold in every community. It is incontrovertible, Gombe has done great under Governor Dankwambo, considering the many man-made and natural challenges and so, the present administration, under his leadership, deserves to be honoured with another term.


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