When I was in England, once in awhile someone would ask, “Where are you from?” At first, it was not strange because such a question back in Nigeria was meant to know what tribe or region one belongs. Mainly, I think, to have one drawn nearer in companionship. Though, clearly, it was not so for every Nigerians, particularly when it concerns employment and distribution of wealth. Still, it was and is obvious why I often am asked, I believe it is because I speak different Nigerian major languages and cannot easily be pinned to a particular region or tribe. Once, there was a robbery where I worked and as I captured the three white youths on one of my cameras, rather than call my colleague, a Burmese security guard who spoke little English to chase them away, I went after them. Frankly, it was not to prevent them from stealing anything, I was so angry, I intended catching, at least, one and knocking him silly. They all ran away before I caught any. The next day, when the police arrive...