
Showing posts from September, 2024

Prayer Birthday Poem for you, dear Gracededieu

On this your day, of renewal, Fourteen years of joy and grace, My wish is that you continue with  Radiant smile upon your face and heart. May blessings shower from above, Wrap you in warmth, and endless love. May wisdom guide you every way, And light your path, both night and day. With each step, may you find, Strength in heart and peace of mind. May dreams take flight, and hopes arise, Underneath the vast, blue skies. Happy birthday Gracededieu, dear and sweet, May your journey be complete. In faith and love, may you grow, With God’s grace, forever glow.


Mabel, know this: you are an Icon of Grace, A beacon of light In all aspect of life, our family light so bright, Generous heart you are, so strong and true, A mother of five, with love as water to brew. Your kindness, the flow of a gentle stream, In family hearts, you have worked to plant birthday dreams. Steadfast, you have been through thick and thin, And as lovable and reliable soul you have been. Mabel, your birthday we ought engrave, In our hearts and minds, as love we crave. Because you have led us all with a gentle hand, In the remembrance of others, with whom you stand. Forgive my belated birthday wish, dear sister, for I am but human, Distracted by life’s daily hustle and summons. So though, this maybe late, my love I assure you, is no less, For you, my dear sis, I always would truly love, I confess. Happy belated birthday, with all my heart, From your proud sibling, heart never apart. I pray your days are filled with joy and cheer, For you are cherished darlyn,  so, so dearly

The Positive Mindset

Why are wolves are seen as wise, and, Why should we live like them, you might surmise? Wolves never feast on what’s decayed,  In the circus of jesters, they are never swayed.  They honour bonds from the heart, pure and true,  Bonding for life, with love that’s due. When one life is lost, the other for months mourns,  In their hearts, love ought to be adorned.  Respecting elders, they stand tall,  In their wisdom, we should find a call. As humans, we have much to learn,  From wolves, without ego, virtues brightly burn.  Embrace these traits, and Let’s strive to be Wise, noble, wild and free.


I awoke today in memories of a loving mother, I grew,  Who through thick and thin, stood steadfast and true.  In my years of rebellion and endless strife, She bore the brunt of my troubles and skive. Not deserving of the pain I caused,  Her heart, so pure, never paused.  With limited means, she cared and gave,  Her love, a beacon, to my soul saved. Now, with the wisdom that time bestows,  I see the sacrifices, the love that flows.  As a parent now, I understand the weight,  The trials she faced, the burdens so great. Mothers are golden, their worth beyond measure,  Embodiments of love, endurance, and treasure.  In reflection, I kneel, seeking forgiveness,  For mothers are the epitome of selfless kindness.


On this blessed day, the 13th of September,  A union of love we shall always remember.  Prince Olajide Ige and his Queen, Anita, so dear,  In the court of Ikoyi, their vows they declare. Though roads may lead to the registry’s gate,  The Prince’s kindness allows us to celebrate without heading to the court.  With hearts full of joy, we honor his grace,  As he embarks on this beautiful life’s embrace. Rich in wisdom, benevolent and kind,  Anita and Jide's love story is one of a kind.  To them, we lift our prayers, fervent and true,  For a blissful marriage, blessed anew. May their union be rich with love’s sweet song,  Under God’s mercy, where they belong.  May their children grow in joy and light,  Guided by faith, day and night. Congratulations, dear Prince Olajide Victor Ige,  May your journey together be forever blessed.


In our lands, democracy is a dream, that Propaganda machines keep fractured, it seems.  Where wealthy nations and individuals alike,  Use riches to take control and perpetuate their might. Where brute force and violence, are another dark path,  Where fear is used as a weapon to stay rooted in wrath. and Where therefore wealth and brute force join hands in the night,  Actions go unchallenged, as control is the ultimate might. With ordinary lives, under sway,  Violence is meted out to those who dare disobey.  Manipulative politicians pursue power as a means to an end,  Corruption is turned ally as there are no rules that cannot be bent. Anyone once entrenched in the cult, won’t want to relinquish their thrones,  Mentees, families and groups are ultimately the power to be sewn.  Dictatorial rule under any disguise and corruption are the game,  While perpetual poverty praise-sing and follow like ships, the people’s shame. As the people's feathers have been plucked to bare skins, expose


On daily windows of time, the past is sewn,  A chapter closed, as its seeds are sown.  We experience all sorts and sometimes, they are, of losses with shadows cast,  Yet none of us can change what’s in our past. So, to dwelling on our yesterdays in regrets is to stay bind,  Rather than have such precious moments left behind.  Moving on is a release, it is, of letting burdens go,  No strings attached, just let what's left of life flow. Look in the past if you have to, not in anger, nor in fear,  But in awareness and experiences of life you hold dear.  And since the future of our tomorrow’s veil remains unknown,  Cherish now moments you have, make it your own. For in making such decision, strength you’ll find,  A future remaining bright, and, a liberated mind.