ARE SECRETES BETWEEN SPOUSE DEMCEPTION? I had an interesting but very puzzling conversation with my spouse over the weekend: I saw a picture of someone that looked very much like a girl friend I used to know in secondary school and I said so loudly to her hearing. I went on to add that seeing the picture was such a coincidence because few days back while I was with my mates of over thirty years post secondary school, her name came up and since then, I have wondered about her; where she is, whether married, with or without children, does she still have the nuances and shenanigans I knew, etc, etc, etc. She listened patiently and at the end asked, 'what is wrong with our marriage?' That came from nowhere, I never expected it and was surprised, no shocked, to say the least. I thought quick and as shifty as I could think to avoid being in trouble, I said 'nothing.' then countered with strings of questions; 'why did you ask? What do you think is wrong? Did I say or do ...