It’s only natural that we all want to say something that represents all “incredibly emotional,” and special kind words about the dead as we all reflect on the death of an Aunty called Paulina. The children would hear blended calls and texts about the role of her motherhood, ‘caretakerhood,’ unbridled friendliness, and many other wonderful things about our dear aunt, including the bond shared among family members- a bond unlike no other, eulogized. Please, remember that CANDOUR was her GOSPEL, etched in her DNA and passed on to her children who by the way, as we all mourn, still have the responsibility of taking care of their ailing father. So, for all those extremely emotional, limit your tears to your quiet places, and display the anguish, grief, regret, sorrow, wails, woes, or “negative energy,” in private. Spare to share them with the children. They need truth, sincerity, no bulls, devoutness, faithfulness, guilelessness, and honest-to-God supportive “positive energy.” ...