In life’s intricate waltz, we sway, Seeking joy, and chasing dreams each day. Yet paradoxes weave our threads, Where wanting more leaves our hearts misled.

Wanting a positive experience is a negative experience. We yearn for bliss, and a sunlit sky, But craving joy can make it fly. For in our grasp, it slips away, The more we chase, the less we sway.

Accepting a negative experience is a positive experience. When storms descend and shadows fall, Embrace the rain, the tempest’s call. For growth emerges from life’s strife, And pain can sculpt a richer life.

The pursuit of happiness can actually make you unhappier. Like butterflies we chase delight, Yet wings may fray in endless flight. Contentment blooms when we release, The need to grasp and tightly seize.

More importantly, you want to be rich. We hunger for abundance and wealth, But riches don’t ensure the soul’s health. The more we crave, the more we lack, Our hearts are entangled in desire’s track.

The more poor and needy you feel, regardless of how much money you actually possess. A beggar’s heart, though coffers swell, Can’t quench the thirst, the inner wall. True wealth resides in gratitude, Not in the gold or fleeting mood.

The more you feel you are spiritually enlightened. Seek enlightenment, wisdom’s grace, Yet pride can cloud the seeker’s face. For ego’s whisper, “I am wise,” May veil the truth before our eyes.

The more self-centred and shallow you may become. In seeking depth, beware the snare, Of self-absorption, the ego’s lair. For true enlightenment blooms wide, In empathy and love’s soft tide.

The pursuit of satisfaction and enlightenment could actually lead you away from these states. The path to joy, a winding maze, Can lead astray in the ego’s haze. Release the maps, the rigid plans, And find contentment where it stands.

Instead, pursue genuine contentment that comes from embracing the present moment and accepting life as it is. In present whispers, life unfolds, Its imperfections, stories told. Acceptance blooms when we let go, Of wants and fears, our hearts aglow.

Inclusive of all its imperfections, for it is in letting go of our desires that we can find true fulfilment. So dance the paradox, my friend, Embrace the now, let go, and transcend. For in life’s twists and backward turns, True fulfilment waits, and wisdom burns.


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