Joy Of Being At Peace
To the curve and home stretch we turned
As with my son we walk, leisurely, our streets
So too, the long day wane, coming on twilight
And the sun move to rest behind the surrounding hills
My son, our walks; two discerning pleasure I cherish
With he, the harbinger of my tomorrow
The bountiful seed that brought my joy towering
At birth and like a shining star has made my time honoured
My days with toils, wish and want was tough and rough
But where though the blistering sun sap my sweat
And all around me the tide of toils and fruitless tolls
Among that rough and rumbles, I found him
For thriftily and lonely was all I knew
Masked by frivolous youthful exorbitance
But came then the hours of boundless ethereal throes and happiness
To which I was invited and forever stayed tempered by motherly heroism
And to the avowed binding decision not to fail
Has come to be my commitment to this uncommonly delightful walks
And since much have I known of humanity's know-how
Be there his quarry to all other of his inquiration
He is my restroom from travel and travails
A reason on life to rejoice in glory
To him, Osea Ozique, my loin, I punch this; engrave
And to my grave prepared, as I sing the sweet; alleluia