The Ilara-Mokin Tourism Summon

Work & Play Auto Rally meeting in Ilara-Mokin is one of the continued business advent Events and Trade Shows in Nigeria, with the specific objective of creating a market access platform, It serves as the primary platform to enable the growth of the motorsports business event on the continent and ultimately contributes towards Nigeria’s economic growth. 

The Ondo Meet is the sixth Motor Sports show with dedicated freshly made tracks and off-track racing which is carried out in conjunction with the key entertainment players in the gaming enterprise, entertainers such as the musical virtuoso; Testimony Jaga and FUTA university show stopper disk jockeys. 

Work & Play Promotions exists to provide a podium for motor racing professional drivers and racing enthusiasts to showcase their talents to local and international interests, friends of Nigeria talent hunters and investors. Work & Play presently is one of the most formidable organizations with the best plan of action on the African continent for serious professional racers to meet and interact face-to-face with the most influential private investors, programme planners, marketers, ingenious event planners and other entertainers in Nigeria, and offering anyone with awareness to be an opportunity to be part of the motor industry racing growth.


But the promotional intent of Work & Play that attracts the interest of professional Motorsport drivers, investors and the different other professionals and the efforts to make concerted inputs and inroad in the Motorsport industry is just part of the holistic story.

The business opportunities and motor rallying that Work & Play is breaking ground to showcase to the world is also an important impact awareness creation, boost and enhance a profiling determination, and persuasive marketing meant to encourage travellers to jointly tour, and discover Ilara-Mokin, as an undeflowered destination.

Having people visit Ilara-Mokin is meant to have a major positive socio-cultural impact associated with the interaction between people with different cultural backgrounds, attitudes, and behaviours; on the perceptions of the travellers and a much greater bearing on the formation of the tourist destination profile of Ilara-Mokin. As a result, Ondo State tourism authorities need to understand that by letting the world tourist population know of the beauty of a smoking hill wonderland called Ilara-Mokin in Ondo State, Work & Play tourism promotion is making a contribution to their economy as a broad range entrepreneurial external contributory influence to their state business enterprise.

Furthermore, past experiences have shown that the use of event staging and selling products that attract visitors to particular destinations comprise an important basis for external search behaviours. When people search for useful information as to place to go for relaxation or stress-free hide-always, tourists utilize external sources such as news clips, friends/relatives, brochures, magazines, newspapers, and travel agents, in acquiring information and as it is, the Ondo Motor rally is bound to attract the media across different mass media companies, so, it is already one major source for all and sundries to read and hear about the beautiful municipality where the hills breathe healthy inhalant vapours.

Again, given the Nigerian nation’s security challenges at the moment, it is very unwise that travellers move about without care or caution. To that effect, travellers will be actively engaged in searching for information on a destination with the highest level of perceived certainty of entertainment, and security risk-free stay in equal measures. Ilara-Mokin offers such a high-scale tourism advertising destination when it comes to security, nature healing environment and entertainment. William Wordsworth: "Nature never betrays the one who loves it." Ilara-Mokin is a last-stop sea of trees community that lets nature bloom. The golf course is preserved by the locals and is situated in non-nature abusive environmental structures or infrastructures such as corrosive iron barriers, combustible automobiles, surroundings of high-rise homes or zigzagged by tarred roads, etc.


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