Couples’ Manual, Singles’ & Wonderful Word for Wonderful Relationship

By Faithful Ohiani

In my opinion, it is best to, from the start, talk about the books in the context of books on the shopping list of those looking for something on morals rather than on form; meaning, books that purely written as art for art sake; i.e. though thematic, simply stylistic and artist writing.

The importance of contextualising here is that unless we do so, and see beyond literary critical response, the connection between the lessons we are presented books and them making contribution to literati tends to disappear.

A formalist approach will serve as a distraction from what is ‘really’ at stake in the text. The approach based on the ethic of human relations allows us ask the following questions and for Faithful Ohiani books to answer them: Are the books morally uplifting? Are the Issues addressed; i.e. Adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism, faithfulness; attraction and affection, prayers before the choice on who to marry, commitment; the use of the words; I love you, thank you, please, I’m sorry, etc, matter? Do they still retain the same power to shock or uplift the spirit as was the case decades back or has it become visceral and irrelevant? And finally, in which ways might the books be connected to the idea of uplifting cultural values within the context of present day degeneration and social anxiety?

As books of moral seriousness, the theme challenges the contemporary ideas of immorality in our society and proffers ways forward based on the tenets in the bible.

For Faithful Ohiani, the path to successful married, finding the right partner, joy in our heart and self-esteem are straight, and simply being Godly which would guarantee happiness while in contrast in so many number of ways lead, as the many who have chosen that have discovered, to misery and self-destruct - infinitely. Sneak preview of his introductions state: I quote,

First the ‘Couple’s Manual’

Today, greater numbers of people are questioning the institution of marriage. Some are concerned about where current trends are heading. Others question whether marriage as an institution can survive. Still others get married on their own terms or only on a trial basis. Millions simply live together unmarried and some even now cohabit in ‘same-sex’ partnerships’

In the ‘Singles’ Manual,’ he says

...most singles usually go into relationships with high expectations, low preparations, much assumption, wrong information and, little or no investigation thereby causing unquantifiable frustrations.

And then in the ‘Wonderful Words For Wonderful Relationships,’ says

‘Good manners’ that display respect, curtsey, and consideration which is the life wire of every good relationship are fast becoming an archaic school of thought

The books then go on discursively and critically to give a rundown shopping list of ‘HOW and WHAT TO DO’ detailing relevant principles that would make marriage successful, help in the choice of partnership and give a helping hand to those who lack civility and decorum. Faithful Ohiani was very clear that we need to realise we have become quite at ease, too familiar, and taken for granted unhealthy, unfaithful, unacceptable, ungodly ways in our relationships and in our forms of social interactions. Ways, that ordinarily should outrage us but which over time we have casually given in to. His books are open invitation for us to rethink, to find our way back, books of awakening and clarion call.

And, what do books on ‘WHAT, HOW, and WHEN’ to do books do? Simple, they teach and guide and Ohiani did just that and in very appropriate tutorial language.

In all that has been said though, there is a tiny downside. As in most Christian books; as texts and book intended as a cross to a wider subject on the ‘the, what to do, based on’ broader humanist concern, I’m not very comfortable and quarrel with some of the inappropriate synecdoche; for examples, the head used to represent the whole body of man and the men folks, or other figure of speech such as the use of similes, then, some inconsistent in the logics and presentation, as in Islam, of historical facts, etc. But hey, I’m still in my journey of like trying to make proper logical sense to Christianity and Islamic faith books as completed, unexpurgated doctrines.

But let’s be very clear here, I said when I started, that this is a book of morals, a Christian book, a book build on the history of advancing the teaching and good living within the tents of the bible; on that, they’ll stand the test of time as books of great history significance and a touch stone for ethical concerns, critical responsibility and honestly. Therefore, I have no doubt that the books are good read and are guaranteed to stimulate and delight Christians, particularly the female readers as travelling, leisure and handbooks to consult as reference point.


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