The sleeping dog
Is best left snoring?
For it is best we;
Make historical slumber
Our collective harvests
Let’s make a hero of him
Forget we must! Of his
Avariciousness in the land;
Deaths of children, mothers
Fathers and those we revered
Act we must!
As if he was not killed
By his poisonous bosom friend
The slicking, snickering snake
He once dined and wined with
Just keep the hero in him,
Damn historical rightness
For its been herein decreed
At the mention of his name,
Every right-thinking head shall bow
Is best left snoring?
For it is best we;
Make historical slumber
Our collective harvests
Let’s make a hero of him
Forget we must! Of his
Avariciousness in the land;
Deaths of children, mothers
Fathers and those we revered
Act we must!
As if he was not killed
By his poisonous bosom friend
The slicking, snickering snake
He once dined and wined with
Just keep the hero in him,
Damn historical rightness
For its been herein decreed
At the mention of his name,
Every right-thinking head shall bow