What is the driving force, why sometimes, the clamour
Perhaps may just have started like a joke; then again
Poverty, anxiety and fear creeps on you on unknowing wee hours
And, when it becomes excruciating, there, rooted, is the rhizome
Mine started: like the vanilla milk shake; I was attracted
The sweeteners; the honey, the fat, I savoured
The aroma, powerful; I was inundated, pursued, harangued
And then, like one on a tenterhook, to the ravenous, I yielded
Then follows the presentment, I was handed my gift,
Like the nitwit's entrusted, a carefully crafted magical sopranino
That is when the very diligently choreographed, subtly sorted intervention sets off
My brain needy sensor systematically, simply, superbly, addictively, astutely, elevated
And in such dopey, opaque state, I stopped articulating, being reasonable
No longer able to cope; incessantly having a hard time, I was tormented: forming
A fertile ground for the cultivation of the cast away, can't live without it, disorder
A vulnerability state only susceptible to the enforcing stimulus of temporary trill
The circle of stimulation, simulation and engineering now surgically completed,
My needs are replaced by a new typo brain, the activation of dependency
Tempered by the expression of rewards of riches, of life here and there after
Entrenched, reinforced, reinvigorated enthused, aroused, and sustained
By the opiate rituals of union songs, dance and communal basilica activities
But should I for once think that this state of soaring eminence may wear out
I needed not, for, at every block's corner, the media, billboards; my bedside
Are standby fuse regeneration bestseller, my ever ready neuro ignitrons
To consult to re-enforce, fuel the fires that would keep the neuro circuit aglow
So, what started with my experimentation; the visit, the experiencing; in bits,
Sucked me, and in time; possessed my liberty, neuro-surgically high-jacked me
My natural brain logicism chambers permanently dislodged, no longer functional
Now I'm in search of my password, to log into my brain habit loop, to take out, the virus.