
Self development is simply put, taking steps to better yourself. It is an ongoing journey, a process of constant learning; jettisoning what draws you back from moving yourself from where you are to where you want to be, educating yourself or seeking education wherever such can be found. Self-development involves overcoming fear of failure, acquiring the habit of self-confidence, believing that you have what it takes to succeed, ignoring all forms of religiosity, spirituality, ideas, beliefs, thoughts, etc that limit, can derail your ability, determination and desire to make progressive or bring about improvement in your life. In the quest for self-development, you do not let people talk you into believing that you are limited by your environment, circumstances, birth, happenstances, etc. Self-development gives you the opportunity to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses, and to work on overcoming the weaknesses as you strengthen the other. The benefits are that you grow as a person, improve your skills, self-awareness, and boost your confidence. And, while on self development journey, you adopt easy, non-judgemental, realistic, encouraging ways to learn to self-assess how you are actually doing in the areas of, spiritual, educational, emotional, physical, and social self-development.

The most fulfilling path to success, and personal fulfillment come through the pursuit of self-development. Most people who are successful anywhere in the world today usually are those who have immersed themselves in any or all of the above mentioned self-development strategies and taken deep interest in every aspect of life and living. They are people who explore the best life has available , people who  extend themselves as well as having the staying power to endure, they are people who embark on self-exploration, remain resolute, curious, and passionate about success. Self-development involves having the beliefs to stay open to learning as well as willing to risk personal discomfort to succeed.

The pursuit of hard work, failures, successes, other experiences good, sometimes painful or out rightly bad can only make you grow, help you become better as a person who is able, have the capacity, capability and ready for whatever circumstances and difficulties living brings. Toughened by your beliefs, determination, openness to learning, and ever circumspect, helps prepare you to be proactive in all your dealings and doings, in your efforts, meeting challenges and eventually succeeding. You learn in the course of all that, to choose to initiate, set the circumstances, set the ball rolling, and, always ready as willing to make things happen. Now, to what particular areas of your senses do you work on to initiate and sustain self development efforts?

Sense of Self; Who Are You?

Self-development starts with asking, “who are you?” The self searching and awareness of whom you are, what your values are, what your purpose and wishes in life are, what your beliefs are, etc set the ground to your self-

development. Going through life, social interactions, wanting to be someone, and carrying out daily businesses often are not smooth sailing. So, you need to know to define yourself, your place, role and relevance in the scheme of all the happenings. Every interactions, good or bad, ought to add to your life experiential knowledge. As you grow, both in knowledge of better ways of doing things and discovering new ways, you become more adept to better sense of whom you are, and what more you want of what you want to be.

Sense Of Worth

Broadly speaking, ‘Self-worth’ is having a positive sense of self. A belief that you value who you see of yourself and whether you feel yourself as deserving that personality you see of yourself. Unless such feelings are deep-rooted and come from the desire to self improve, no matter your background, birth or privilege, self-worth can be easily knocked. So, how you see yourself, would describe yourself, how you think about yourself, and how you carry, as well as act toward that “yourself” are very important in developing your sense of worthiness.

Sense Of Direction:

Now you know who you are, your worth, what direction you want your life? Such articulation and cognition help decision-making process and in clarifying, in what particular direction you would want to go easier. They help to clarify your plans, where and when to start and engage, what objectives you want achieved, as well as in their order of necessity and importance. They help you focus, to have plans-back up as well as fall back plans-, and in being effective in executions.

Sense To See It Through:

It is no use, committing to something you do not see through or follow through what laid out plans there are. A sense of self development that makes you commit to a particular direction or project is in itself, good motivation to see things through. Your vision, mission and goal, are the driving forces behind your commitment and should be incentives enough to see you succeed and as long as you never loose focus, even when you make mistakes, your sense to see through your commitment, helps you adjust.

Sense Of Resilience:

Tough, rough times and tides in life as in business are inevitable part of living. Only difference is, When they do occur, will you be prepared? Do you know who you are? Your worth? Do you have the determination to follow through your commitment? These are the building blocks that help you horn the skills and find innovative ways to beat all bad things you cannot, as matter of fact, prevent from occurring but are able to deal with as good as you humanly can. In resiliency, you find the good sense never to view any challenge as the end but means to explore ways to reinvent and, or adapt. 

The Good Sense To Stay Grounded:

Never forget where you are coming from, who you met, meet and would meet. Remember to be as welcoming as possible to all, whether it is in being courteous, professional, gallant or gracious. Every relationships must be treated as important as any other based on their merits. Must be valued as contributing to the overall experiences of self development. Relationships are investments that you never know, if, how, when and where you may reap the gains.

Remain Forever Curious:

No one has exclusive knowledge to life and living. And, no one has the exclusive know how to get thing done no matter the education or experiences. It remains true that, the greatest achievers in life and businesses know that the key to success is their ability to source, manage and develop the skills of others to help them in their quests. Success demands endless curiousity to dream, to do more, know more, to experience and explore possibilities. To have unquenchable appetite and thirst for advancement and adventure.

Self-development has so many branches, leaves, and fruits that I would attempt to explore in follow up writings. So, in concluding this introductory piece, I would like to say, self development requires patience, awareness, and fortitude to want to move forward, even if doing so turns out to be a complete reversal or changing course. Going the way of self-development helps expand one's sense of cultivation to trust self in line with one’s best interest. Such self-development and mindset, is the bedrock to greater confidence, self-reliance, tenacity as well as skills to cope with the demands of success.


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